Wednesday, February 24, 2016

To Blog or Not To Blog? That is The Question?!

I have always been a people person and want to continue to help others especially in the educational setting.  With this passion for helping others, I have come to realize that most of my interests are what truly helped me in both my professional and personal life. I have always been into traveling and not the common use of the word. I've was never one to just stay in one spot.  I've always been interested and eager to check out new places even if it's just a twenty-minute drive from home.

My first experience leaving the country was back in 2009, and it completely changed my perspective on life. At the age of 17, I realized I've been living in a bubble my entire life. That bubble just popped, big time. I caught it. The travel bug. I could not believe how big and wonderful the world was. Since this experience, the urge to see and do more keeps chasing me. The world is truly beautiful.

Back on track. In relation to my life, both financially and professionally, I'm working towards achieving my dream of one day becoming a School Psychologist. To reach this goal, I have invested years in College, and currently, I'm studying for my Masters in School Psychology.

With these goals and larger responsibilities at the moment, I haven't had the opportunity to travel as much as most of us would like and financially cannot afford to make trips out of the country every other month. However, I have realized that traveling does not mean going to a new country each month. Traveling is more about seeing, experiencing, and embracing new areas and cultures no matter how far you venture. Exploring has helped me to grow into a better person by experiencing different cultures and societies. I have grown and matured so much by experiencing new places. For instance, I went on a local hike by myself for the first time and met this nice man, who told me about his life. He struggled with immigrating to America and felt he would never find true happiness until he first started to love himself. He went into greater details about how solo hiking has become one of his passions in life, and how it has made him feel more comfortable in his own skin. I love meeting new people and learning about how individuals think, feel, believe, and the many ways one can live their life. These experiences helped me to grow personally as well as professionally by experiencing and learning empathy for others.

I relate to these experiences each day as I train to become a School Psychologist. I will continue to learn from both an academic standpoint and new experiences both in and outside my professional environment.

I've never considered myself much of a writer, but through this blog, I hope to help and inspire you and others to go and explore. No matter if it's 20 minutes down the street or that 20-hour plane ride to reach that one spot you saw and dreamed of in a magazine as a child. I hope to help others feel inspired to venture out exploring our backyard, our beautiful mother earth. My interpretation of an adventure doesn't have to be going on a hike but maybe trying a new coffee shop or cafe downtown. I want to help you explore and discover new places and break you out of your comfort zone. Let the never-ending adventure begin!

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