Think back to how you were 5 years ago. How have you changed since?
Just five years ago I was a teenager and in a very different place in my life. I was 18 and had just finished my first year of my undergrad after transferring from my first school to Marist. I was in a good place but also not completely happy at what life had thrown at me. I also cared way too much about how people viewed or thought of me. I also had a great difficulty of letting go of things. If something or someone bothered me, I would let it ruin my entire day. I remember feeling that if I don’t do things the way everyone else was doing them, I would not have a bright future. I was very conflicted because I was a happy but also very much a worry wart. I always have had the urge to plan out my entire life, and I wanted to accomplish and do so many things before the age of 25. My perception of age was completely off I felt being “25” meant you were a grown adult who had everything put together and knew exactly where your life was going. I couldn’t have been more wrong!
Now looking back at my young naïve self, I realized I did change and seeing now that we all do. Change is great because we learn from our experiences and adapt to whatever situation is thrown at us. One, I thought being 25 was considered “old.” Boy was I wrong. It’s quite interesting how we all view age so differently in different periods of our lives. I realized that age is just a number, and you do not have to have everything figured out by this certain age to mean you’re successful. Just as we all blossom through puberty differently, in the realm of adulthood we have different paths. I, unfortunately, feel like a 20’ something that you feel you have this timeline that you feel you have to follow. As you grow older, you come to realize that everyone has their unique path. Some people find their niche in a quicker than others and others may take a vast amount of time to find their happiness, which both are completely okay. I have a better understanding of “Age” and not putting so much pressure on myself to have everything figured out on this imaginary timeline I’d created when I was eighteen/ nineteen.
I also have completely changed the way I think about others. As I’ve grown older, I’ve realized it’s important to stop worrying about what others think of me. Once I started doing this, instantly I have been a way happier person. However, it is easier said than done. There are days when I fall into the trap again, but I can rationalize my thoughts and feelings and realize I am being silly for letting other people have control of my emotions. It’s one of the biggest life lessons I have learned and once you can truly stop worrying about what others think your views on life change in such a positive light.
Lastly, I become less of a worry-wart because I stopped letting others have so much influence on what I do. I do worry about the normal day-to-day things but not to the point of questioning my life choices because of other people. I worried way less about daily day-to-day things and stopped comparing myself to other people’s highlights. I realized just because people my age are having life changing experiences does not mean that I need to be having those same life-changing experiences. Like I mentioned before we are all different paths, and each one is unique and beautiful. There is no need to rush or ever feel bad about what you are doing with your life. Remember no need to rush to your destination, when you can enjoy the journey along the way.
Lastly, I become less of a worry-wart because I stopped letting others have so much influence on what I do. I do worry about the normal day-to-day things but not to the point of questioning my life choices because of other people. I worried way less about daily day-to-day things and stopped comparing myself to other people’s highlights. I realized just because people my age are having life changing experiences does not mean that I need to be having those same life-changing experiences. Like I mentioned before we are all different paths, and each one is unique and beautiful. There is no need to rush or ever feel bad about what you are doing with your life. Remember no need to rush to your destination, when you can enjoy the journey along the way.
Have a great #sunflowersunday ! Also Happy Father’s Day! Xo
This is wonderful <3