Tuesday, October 18, 2016

What is Compassion? & What Does it Mean to You?

Life has been crazy busy for me lately.  & Unfortunately, I have neglected my blog because of my hectic schedule. Last month I entered a writing contest, and I wanted to share my piece with all of you. The topic was about defining compassion and how compassion can change the world. 

Compassion: a three-syllable, ten-letter word with quite a powerful meaning. Some people are born with compassion pouring through their veins while others may need to obtain this skill by learning and growing as a human being. Compassion is a deep feeling of sympathy and sorrow for another person who is either struck by misfortune, accompanied by a strong desire to ease the suffering of that person. Being a human being, there are many highs and lows in our lives. Many of our lows come out of nowhere, and are most of the time out of our control. Compassion comes into place with these lows because we want to help alleviate this stress, pain, or misfortune.
Compassion is a multifaceted term. Compassion is made up of gratitude, empathy, self-love, mindfulness, selflessness, and heightened emotional intelligence. To be compassionate one must have all these traits and be able to execute them effortlessly. But do not worry, as a human being, we are all a work in progress, so you can still be a compassionate person if you are lacking in these areas. Just knowing that you're still working on trying to improve yourself as a person puts you in the category of being a compassionate person.  Being a compassionate person is being able to put yourself in someone else’s shoes and let them know that you understand what they are going through, and also provide them with a helping hand and support to get them through a difficult time. 
Most people think compassion is only shown through extremely difficult times. This is not the case. Compassion shines through even when someone is having a bad day. These are times that compassionate people persevere by putting aside their own stress and show kindness and support to make another person’s day a little less stressful. Being compassionate means to be there for someone by turning a negative situation around by providing positive outcomes.  With support, love, and kindness on people’s darkest days, compassionate people can bring the sunshine back into that person’s life.
Compassion can change the world one person at a time. Compassion forces us to see others as we see ourselves. By facing challenges in life, experiences will provoke compassion to help protect and support the others in need. This allows us to open ourselves to the world and not be opposed to being vulnerable to assist others in need. Compassion allows us to look at ourselves and show self-compassion. If you are unable to love yourself, this will only hinder you from loving and showing compassion to others. By learning to love yourself and practice self-compassion, many doors will open up to help others. Remember practice makes perfect. When you execute self-compassion, new perspectives will open your mind to helping others to be the best versions of themselves.

Compassion can only better our world. When we lack compassion, judgment, criticism, doubt rear it's ugly head in our world. Compassion allows us to be open and accepting of each other’s differences. When we can be more accepting, we can be more tolerant of others and open to different ways we see the world. Compassion allows for our attitudes to be more loving than fighting. Which in this day and age, we need more love in our world. Love and compassion will bring our world together not tear us apart. Compassion starts with the people you love and expands to others as you use it each day. Once compassion is expanded our world becomes a happier, healthier, and more loving place to live in.


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