Sunday, August 28, 2016

Why I Stopped Blogging This Summer....

It’s been a while. And to be honest, I needed the break. This summer has been very challenging for me, and I lost my flow of blogging.  I never want to think of blogging as a chore. That was not the reason why I started this blog.  I did not want to post something just for the sake of posting it in a blog. The message in my blogs has to convey my passionate feelings about the theme I am sharing. While this blog has been used to help inspire people to explore their backyards, it has also been for me. It may seem selfish, but this blog was designed (and still is) to express myself so that I may look back at everything and remember. I may not be making “money” or have a genuine audience, but that’s totally fine with me. The other basis for my hiatus from blogging was that school was in session for me this summer. Since starting graduate school in 2014, I have been non-stop, and it has taken a toll out of me (emotionally, physically, and mentally). This summer I had to take two demanding classes, one requiring me to commute 2 hours there and 2 hours back, twice a week. I had a lot on my plate academically, and I had to sacrifice posting on here to put my best work into school. I have also been studying for an exam that I need to pass to graduate with my masters. So school has been taking priority over everything else in my life. Which is totally fine right now because, in the end, I know it will be worth it. While I love change, I had a lot of change happen to me this summer. It’s been hard adjusting to the move back home when I’ve been living on my own for six years. But now I’m starting to get into the swing of things and starting to feel my spark again for blogging in addition to many other activities.

In no sense did I feel any shame for not posting. I realized life happens and sometimes you have to sacrifice to get where you need to be. This summer has taught me so many life lessons. I used to get upset when I didn’t have this “picture perfect” summer that I always had in my head. But the reality is as you grow older not every summer is going to be fun. You are not guaranteed fun and happiness. You should never expect that! You need to create your own happiness. You need to take your sticky situations and make the best of them. Not every day of your life is going to be filled with sunshine. On the darkest days, you need to create your own sunshine. This may not have been the most amazing summer of my life, but it has helped me get to where I need to be, i.e., to continue to grow as a person. Finally, I am excited about heading into my last year of graduate school, posting more entries in my blog and continuing to share my journey with you all!


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